Sadly I have no new creations to show off for you all today, SOrry! However I do plan on making it up to you all this weekend... Tomorrow bright and early I am going on a "crop and Crawl" put on by the wonderful and talented Allison Orthner!!! So is a fabulous photographer, scrapbooker and really human being, LOVE HER!!! Anyway, we are all meeting up, getting on buses and touring all the scrapbooking stores in Calgary, then we stop for a bite to eat, and off to scrapbook the night away!! Sound like fun??? I think so!!
Anyway, I should (hopefullY) get a bit a scrapbooking done, so you can all see my latest creations then.
Also on a more personal note, today was a very big anniversary of sorts for me...

Two years ago today, I finally was excepting of a condition I had(have) called Alopecia. An autoimmune condition, were for no reason your hair falls out...For two years I lived with out a single hair on my WHOLE(yes whole) body... Two years ago today, I dressed up as "Uncle Fester" from the adams family... For those of you not aware of his character, he is a stocky bald very pale, dark eyed dude... and answer the door to hand out candy like that!! A very big step for me... Now two years later my hair is BACK... and to celebrate I went for my very first full blown hair cut, color, and highlight.... I was nervous to be honest!! Anyway, Lisa at In Style, did a FABULOUS job and made this day extra special... thank you Lisa!!!
Here's hoping it will be one of Many fabulous Hairstyles....
I will post a few pics tomorrow, once I find someone to take them!!
I am glad you could have a good sense of humor with the Uncle Fester costume! LOL
My DH has alopecia areata, so not, he is a guy so he just shaves his head anyway. My DD had loose anagen syndrome, so she had very little hair until she was 4.
I am glad that yours is back now!
Wow this trip sound amazing you lucky girl you...I can't wait to see what you create...
Hey Laura, can't wait to see pics of your beautiful hair...Jealous about the crop crawl.
I bet you made a great Uncle Fester! I can't wait to see all the pages you created.
Glad you enjoyed your girly time. Can't wait to see a picture.
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