Sadly I have no new creations to show off for you all today, SOrry! However I do plan on making it up to you all this weekend... Tomorrow bright and early I am going on a "crop and Crawl" put on by the wonderful and talented Allison Orthner!!! So is a fabulous photographer, scrapbooker and really human being, LOVE HER!!! Anyway, we are all meeting up, getting on buses and touring all the scrapbooking stores in Calgary, then we stop for a bite to eat, and off to scrapbook the night away!! Sound like fun??? I think so!!
Anyway, I should (hopefullY) get a bit a scrapbooking done, so you can all see my latest creations then.
Also on a more personal note, today was a very big anniversary of sorts for me...

Two years ago today, I finally was excepting of a condition I had(have) called Alopecia. An autoimmune condition, were for no reason your hair falls out...For two years I lived with out a single hair on my WHOLE(yes whole) body... Two years ago today, I dressed up as "Uncle Fester" from the adams family... For those of you not aware of his character, he is a stocky bald very pale, dark eyed dude... and answer the door to hand out candy like that!! A very big step for me... Now two years later my hair is BACK... and to celebrate I went for my very first full blown hair cut, color, and highlight.... I was nervous to be honest!! Anyway, Lisa at In Style, did a FABULOUS job and made this day extra special... thank you Lisa!!!
Here's hoping it will be one of Many fabulous Hairstyles....
I will post a few pics tomorrow, once I find someone to take them!!