This is a title to an awesome book I once read by "sark", but today it describes how I am feeling. Not only am I loving my new job, and feel inspired by the ladies I work with every day, but started back to school today, and although I wasn't sure I was ready to go back I am glad I did, I am so excited about the next 12 weeks ahead.
we are learning black and white dark room techniques using a film camera, something I haven't touched in a long time. Freaking I talked to my BF about where i was going to get one as I have been a digi girl for some time now, and he reminded me that he has a great film camera. Then I remembered about a gift my brother gave me about six months ago...
a pentax film camera, from the 1960's that once belonged to my Grandpa Herald Soby, who passed away in the late eighties...
My dad gave it to my Brother, thinking it may be of interest to him, however my brother knowing my love for photography, thought it better suited in my hands... Thanks Craig!!
I feel this closeness to my Grandpa, holding his camera, reminds me of the importance of taking pictures...