My friend Jackie was in the other day and I was asking her about any of her latest scrapbook purchases, she works at a scrapbook store part time so often has the in on things that I like. She mentioned that due to a challenge she was doing with some friends of our, that she hadn't bought anything in a while, I was intrigued . I guess he had heard of it from another client of the store and do to the extremeness of the rules changed it a bit to better suit her skill. Anyway, long story short, I have decided to throw my hat in the ring and give it a go too.
THe rules are easy, NO scrapbook shopping till you finish 20 pages, when ever you finish a page you put $5.00 in a jar, at the end of 20 pages you have $100.00 to spend on scrapbook supplies. Only exception is consumables, like glue, card stock... ect. It is a way to use up what you have, save your money, and really think about what that next purchase will be.
With all of that in mind, here are my first three pages, so nice to have something to motivating me to get scrapbooking again!!
Thanks for the great idea, hope I can handle it!
FOr those wondering, the other groups rules where they had to wait till they had 100 pages done, I agree that this could take a life time with the way we visit more than ever scrapbook, so for now we start at 20pages...
Wanna join the challenge with me?
if so send me a note, and you can be part of our challenge...
Here are my first three pages!